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The Australian oil and gas company, Santos, is moving to develop the Barossa gas project in the Timor Sea, near the Tiwi Islands in the Northern Territory, Australia. It's forecast to be one of the dirtiest gas developments in the world.

If it goes ahead, the project will pump millions of tons of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere each year and contribute to catastrophic climate change.

Jubilee Australia, alongside our partners Solutions for Our Climate (South Korea), the Environment Centre NT and the Japan Center for a Sustainable Environment and Society, are campaigning to stop the Barossa gas project.

The race to stop one of the world's dirtiest gas projects

Along with massive amounts of pollution the project will emit, the pipeline that will connect the gas field to land will also cut through the Oceanic Shoals Marine Park’s habitat protection zone, destroy the habitats of endangered turtles and cut off access to important local fishing grounds. 

The pipeline will also come within six kilometres of the Northern Territory’s Tiwi Islands, and so far, the Indigenous Tiwi people have not been properly consulted.

Can you help us #StopBarossaGas?

Despite describing itself as an ‘eco-friendly energy company’, SK E&S has teamed up with Santos to make the project a reality.

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Why is Barossa a huge problem?


The project contains one of the largest carbon dioxide reservoirs in the world. It is projected to release millions of tons of greenhouse gases each year, contributing to catastrophic climate change.


The Timor Reef and Demersal fisheries, which are crucial to the Australian seafood market, could lose access to important fishing grounds, and fish stocks will be at risk from seismic testing.


The pipeline connecting the gas field to land will cut through the Oceanic Shoals Marine Park and threaten endangered species including the olive ridley and Australian flatback sea turtles.


A well blowout or ship collision could cause a major oil or condensate spill in an area that is prone to major cyclonic events.

"Santos is about to kick off one of the most polluting projects in the world. It needs to be called for what it is. It is an atrocious project, an atrocious project."